
the database is re-created after each start just if you're using in-memory H2 database. This is the case by default if you're using KeycloakServer from testsuite for development. You can change it to use either File-based H2 (this is used by keycloak-appliance distribution by default) or point to some other DB like MySQL for example.

To change this, you just need to add few system properties when running server. See this file for details of what needs to be changed: https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/testsuite/integration/src/main/resources/META-INF/keycloak-server.json

I am personally usually using mongo for development with KeycloakServer. Data are persistent among server restarts, so DB doesn't need to be initialized after restart and server startup usually takes about 2 seconds on my laptop.


On 22.3.2015 14:27, Prakhash siva wrote:
Hi all,
I have a issue related to how the KC database works. According to my understanding it is a sqlite kind of database and whenever I run the server it get initiates. so when logging the events with the purpose of detecting intrusions is it 100% possible to use the inbuilt database of  KC.

for example If I'm going to maintain a history for a specific client to identify his activities it can't be locally tested. So its trivial that I need to change the database. So I need to get to know if I change the database to mongo will the same re initialization process will happen? and where I need to work for this


Sivakumar Prakhash
Computer Science & Engineering
University of Moratuwa.

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