
I have a feature request regarding some emails being sent out, like the password-reset mail. It currently looks like this:

Your administrator has just requested that you update your <realm> account. Click on the link below to start this process.


This link will expire within <expiration> minutes.

If you are unaware that your admin has requested this, just ignore this message and nothing will be changed.

I would like to include the username, and the user full name, and have already figured out how to do this by updating the messages file and the *.ftl files in the email theme. 

But the list of attributes to be used is limited to what is provide through the implementation, and I would like to have it include the user as well. Either a few properties of the user or the full user resource, so I can use any field of the user.

I know I can fix it by writing a custom module and loading it into my keycloak, overruling the default provider, with a one-liner:

attributes.put("username", user.getUsername()); 


attributes.put("user", user);

but rather like to see this as the default behaviour, as this would increase the options of message customisation for everyone

What do you guys think? Worthy of a JIRA ticket? 

I can organise a pull request if you need it.

Kind regards,

Johan Heylen