I created a small demo app to show you what I meant:

As you can see, keycloak consumes the post data during the authentication step, which is wrong, because the resource should be public (without any authentication)

curl -X POST -H „Content-Type: text/plain" http://localhost:8080/rest-resources/public -d 'hello world'
You said:

My previous bug fix for this problem was wrong, but I think my latests changes in the RequestAuthenticator class would solve this problem.
You can find all my changes here: https://github.com/gerbermichi/keycloak/commit/512a68c5fa405567fe56968b5fdd9bb51eeb3316

curl -X POST -H „Content-Type: text/plain" http://localhost:8080/rest-resources/public -d 'hello world'
You said: hello world

The only question is, how to implement the 
protected abstract boolean isAuthenticationRequired();
method correctly in the JettyRequestAuthenticator and CatalinaRequestAuthenticator class.

Am 19.12.2014 um 17:03 schrieb Michael Gerber <gerbermichi@me.com>:

Hi all,

I created today a build from the latest master branch and struggled with the following problem.
I've got some REST services which are excluded from keycloak, so I can access them without a logged in user. (see detail from web.xml)
The request body in these post rest services were always empty. I found out that my wildfly tried to authenticate all requests.
The tokenStore.saveRequest() method in the OAuthRequestAuthenticator class read the inputStream and so it was empty later on.

I dont understand why all my requests are authenticated, even when they are excluded through the web.xml file.
So, I added the following lines in the ServletKeycloakAuthMech class in the authenticate method: (see https://github.com/gerbermichi/keycloak/commit/1eaafcd3d9ad4082429ab500a4512c87d47ed75c)
if (!deployment.isConfigured() || !securityContext.isAuthenticationRequired()) {
            return AuthenticationMechanismOutcome.NOT_ATTEMPTED;

This hack solved all my problems. Is this a bug and should i create a pull request? Or are there some problems in my project configuration?

Detail from my web.xml file:
            <web-resource-name>Client WS</web-resource-name>
            <web-resource-name>Client Exchange WS</web-resource-name>




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