There was already some quite a long discussion about similar stuff. It was about consents though, not about required actions. However IMO both consents and requiredActions are quite similar thing and it's by design that user is not able to login with directGrant if he has either consent or requiredAction on himself.
However when I look at your particular use-case, it seems that you are using LoginStatsRecordingRequiredActionProvider as an interceptor, which doesn't need any real requiredAction on user, but you just want to ensure that "evaluateTriggers" is called after each user login. Is it correct?
Then you can just check your requiredAction provider as "enabled", but NOT as "default" . Note that "evaluateTriggers" will be always invoked for every user after his login even if user doesn't have the particular action on him. The purpose of "evaluateTriggers" is actually to check, if requiredAction should be added to the user if some specific conditions occurs. For example see VerifyEmail.evaluateTriggers , which adds the VERIFY_EMAIL requiredAction to user if he doesn't yet have verified email.
On 08/07/16 10:35, Thomas Darimont wrote:
Hello Group,
I just found out that as long as a user has a required_action set up one cannot authenticate via grant_type password throught the TokenEndpointbecause of this line in TokenEndpoint.buildResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant
if (user.getRequiredActions() != null && user.getRequiredActions().size() > 0) {event.error(Errors.RESOLVE_REQUIRED_ACTIONS);throw new ErrorResponseException("invalid_grant", "Account is not fully set up", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);}
current master:
I think that this is too restrictive. Imagine a default required action that has no user interaction but records some user login statistics likelast login date, count logins, login failures etc.In this case it would be better to check if the configured required_action requires user-interaction (e.g. via a new method boolean isInteractive())or communicate that required actions should not be used for actions that don't require user interactions - an authenticator is then probably the better choice.
I tested this with a required action like the LoginStatsRecordingRequiredActionProvider listed below.Now setup a client with the name test-client and a user with the name tester.
With that deployed to keycloak as a default action one can use the following curl commandto see the problem.
curl -k -v --noproxy \-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \-d "grant_type=password" \-d "username=$KC_USERNAME" \-d "password=$KC_PASSWORD" \-d "client_id=$KC_CLIENT" \-d "client_secret=$KC_CLIENT_SECRET" \
Gives:< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request< Connection: keep-alive< X-Powered-By: Undertow/1< Server: WildFly/10< Content-Type: application/json< Content-Length: 75< Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2016 08:24:59 GMT{"error_description":"Account is not fully set up","error":"invalid_grant"}
package com.acme.keycloak.ext.authentication;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import java.time.Instant;import java.time.LocalDateTime;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.List;import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;import org.keycloak.Config.Scope;import org.keycloak.authentication.RequiredActionContext;import org.keycloak.authentication.RequiredActionFactory;import org.keycloak.authentication.RequiredActionProvider;import org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSession;import org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSessionFactory;import org.keycloak.models.UserLoginFailureModel;import org.keycloak.models.UserModel;
/*** Collects information about User Login behaviour.* <p>* Collects the following:* <ul>* <li>Date / Time of first login</li>* <li>Date / Time of recent login</li>* <li>Count of logins since first login</li>* <li>Count of failed logins since the configured <code>Failure Reset Time</code> unter <code>Security Defenses</code></li>* </ul>* <p>* This {@link RequiredActionProvider} is Stateless and can be reused.** @author tdarimont*/public class LoginStatsRecordingRequiredActionProvider implements RequiredActionProvider, RequiredActionFactory {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(LoginStatsRecordingRequiredActionProvider.class);
private static final String PROVIDER_ID = "login_stats_action";private static final String RECORD_LOGIN_STATISTICS_ACTION = "Record Login Statistics Action";
private static final String LOGIN_LOGIN_COUNT = "login.login-count";private static final String LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_COUNT = "login.failed-login-count";private static final String LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_DATE = "login.failed-login-date";
private static final String LOGIN_FIRST_LOGIN_DATE = "login.first-login-date";private static final String LOGIN_RECENT_LOGIN_DATE = "login.recent-login-date";
private static final String ONE = "1";private static final String ZERO = "0";
private static final LoginStatsRecordingRequiredActionProvider INSTANCE = new LoginStatsRecordingRequiredActionProvider();
@Overridepublic void close() {// NOOP}
@Overridepublic void evaluateTriggers(RequiredActionContext context) {
UserModel user = context.getUser();
try {recordFirstLogin(user);} catch (Exception ex) {LOG.warnv(ex, "Couldn't record first login <{0}>", this);}
try {recordRecentLogin(user);} catch (Exception ex) {LOG.warnv(ex, "Couldn't record recent login <{0}>", this);}
try {recordLoginCount(user);} catch (Exception ex) {LOG.warnv(ex, "Couldn't record login count <{0}>", this);}
try {recordFailedLogin(user, context);} catch (Exception ex) {LOG.warnv(ex, "Couldn't record failed login <{0}>", this);}}
private void recordFailedLogin(UserModel user, RequiredActionContext context) {
UserLoginFailureModel loginFailures = context.getSession().sessions().getUserLoginFailure(context.getRealm(), user.getUsername());
if (loginFailures != null) {user.setAttribute(LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_COUNT, Arrays.asList(String.valueOf(loginFailures.getNumFailures())));user.setAttribute(LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_DATE,Arrays.asList(getLocalDateTimeFromTimestamp(loginFailures.getLastFailure()).toString()));} else {user.setAttribute(LOGIN_FAILED_LOGIN_COUNT, Arrays.asList(ZERO));}}
private void recordLoginCount(UserModel user) {
List<String> list = user.getAttribute(LOGIN_LOGIN_COUNT);
if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {list = asList(ONE);} else {list = asList(String.valueOf(Long.parseLong(list.get(0)) + 1));}
user.setAttribute(LOGIN_LOGIN_COUNT, list);}
private void recordRecentLogin(UserModel user) {user.setAttribute(LOGIN_RECENT_LOGIN_DATE,asList(getLocalDateTimeFromTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString()));}
private void recordFirstLogin(UserModel user) {
List<String> list = user.getAttribute(LOGIN_FIRST_LOGIN_DATE);
if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {user.setAttribute(LOGIN_FIRST_LOGIN_DATE,asList(getLocalDateTimeFromTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString()));}}
@Overridepublic void requiredActionChallenge(RequiredActionContext context) {// NOOP}
@Overridepublic void processAction(RequiredActionContext context) {context.success();}
@Overridepublic RequiredActionProvider create(KeycloakSession session) {return INSTANCE;}
@Overridepublic void init(Scope config) {LOG.infov("Creating IdM Keycloak extension <{0}>", this);// NOOP}
@Overridepublic void postInit(KeycloakSessionFactory factory) {// NOOP}
@Overridepublic String getId() {return PROVIDER_ID;}
@Overridepublic String getDisplayText() {return RECORD_LOGIN_STATISTICS_ACTION;}
private LocalDateTime getLocalDateTimeFromTimestamp(long timestampMillis) {return LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochSecond(timestampMillis / 1000), TimeZone.getDefault().toZoneId());}}
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