On 7.5.2015 23:41, Scott Rossillo wrote:

org.keycloak.adapters.NodesRegistrationManagement doesn’t sent a port when it registers a node. Additionally, the KC server assumes the cluster node is using port 8080. So even if you manually register a node, as say localhost:9092, when you press “Test Cluster Availability” the KC server appends port 8080 to the request:


I think there are two bugs, I can open JIRAs if you like:

1. org.keycloak.adapters.NodesRegistrationManagement should send the port the server is on
The JIRA already exists https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-888 . However it's quite tricky to add port as requests to cluster are often send via loadbalancer and hence they are on AJP port (like 8009 for example) but for backchannel requests (logout, push not before or test cluster availability etc.) Keycloak needs to send requests to them directly with apache http client (so using port 8080 or 8443).

So for now JIRA is postponed until we have important use-case for it.
2. KC server should not assume port 8080
It doesn't assume 8080 but it just uses the port used in admin URL. It uses admin URL as template, but just replaces the host with the actual registered cluster host. The only limitation is that all cluster hosts need to use same port (Limitation caused by KEYCLOAK-888 )



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