
Thanks for the prompt response.

I checked this morning and LO is not sending an email on the payload if one hasn't been set.

I tried creating the users directly in the Keycloak console and had the same issue.

I'll upgrade to 1.0.2.Final and see if that fixes it.


On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 2:58 AM, Marek Posolda <> wrote:

That's strange. It works for me with latest keycloak master. I've created 2 users in kc admin console with empty email and both are saved (I am using mongo model like liveoak does). Only added related thing in 1.0.1.Final is, which disallow users to register with invalid email. But that's just added validation in registration forms and account mgmt - no changes in admin console or model.

I wonder if it can't be "null vs. empty string" issue? KC admin console doesn't send email attribute at all when you don't fill email. I suspect that you're creating users in liveoak admin console? Isn't it possible that liveoak is sending email with empty string when it's not filled?


On 10.10.2014 01:56, Ken Finnigan wrote:

It used to be possible to create multiple users with no email address.

With 1.0.1.Final, and maybe earlier versions, it's no longer possible. As soon as a user is created with no email address set, any other user created is not able to not have an email address.

The Keycloak Admin console doesn't specify email address as a required field, so I was wondering whether this is a bug, and whether it's a bug in the UI or the model?

No problems in creating a JIRA, wanted to verify I wasn't mistaken with what's happening.

Ken Finnigan

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