Hey Sagar,

In AeroGear Android[1] land we have the same need to integrate with KeyCloak using OAuth2[2]. We are modularizing our library so keep in touch for the new Authz lib/module[3]. 

In related news we're planning to add Android Integration with KeyCloak using Android Account Manager[4] like we did in this PoC[5][6]. We have more information about that in this thread[7]

[1] http://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-android
[2] http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/aerogear-android/authz/
[3] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-android-authz
[4] http://developer.android.com/reference/android/accounts/AccountManager.html
[5] https://plus.google.com/+SummersPittman/posts/WSFbdodMsej
[6] https://github.com/secondsun/keycloak-android-authenticator
[7] http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/keycloak-dev/2014-September/002589.html

-- Passos

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Corinne Krych <corinnekrych@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Sagar,

For Keycloak OAuth2, AeroGear provides a sdk, we have both Obj-C and Swift. Although lastest features goes in Swift version.

1. AeroGear-iOS 1.6 targets obj-c code [1] with its associated test repo [2], [2bis]

2. AeroGear 2.0 is modularized and based on Swift:
aerogear-ios-http [3]
aerogear-ios-oauth2 [4]
Here you can find interesting access/refresh/revoke simple example:
aerogear-ios-cookbook [5]
aerogear-backend-cookbook [6]
Note that 2.0 is on its way and should be release early October.
http module (aerogear-ios-http coupled with aerogear-ios-oauth2) is taking care of refreshing implictly tokens for you.

Some blog posts [7]. I’m actually going to write an update blog post for Swift version.
Some links to go through.. Feedback welcome.

iOS AeroGear
[1] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-ios
[2] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-ios-cookbook/tree/master/ProductInventory
] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-integration-tests-server#oauth2-with-keycloak
[3] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-ios-http
[4] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-ios-oauth2
[5] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-ios-cookbook/tree/swift/ProductInventory
[6] https://github.com/corinnekrych/aerogear-backend-cookbook/tree/master/ProductInventory
[7] http://corinnekrych.blogspot.fr/search/label/OAuth2

On 25 Sep 2014, at 15:32, Bill Burke <bburke@redhat.com> wrote:

> Sagar,  I'm moving this to keycloak-dev list.  See comments inline
> On 9/25/2014 6:53 AM, Sagar Zond wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are planning to use KeyClock for OAuth authorization server for our
>> API platform. Our understanding to KeyClock and OAuth is not very clear
>> so need your help to properly utilize KeyClock features.
>> Just to introduce our self, we are a start-up firm and creating products
>> for Health care domain. In our architecture we will have multiple Rest
>> API servers and multiple types of client like mobile, web and publicly
>> expose API. KeyCloak can be used as authentication and authorization
>> server. We have already gone through most of KeyCloak tutorials.
>> Here are few points of which we need answer -
>> 1. API platform will be registered as application server on KeyClock and
>> clients (mobile app, web app or other app) will be authorized by
>> keyclock as per defined role. Is this a proper use case of KeyClock ?
> You'll have to elaborate.  I don't know exactly what you are saying.
> Your REST API server would be registered as a Keycloak "Application".
> You can define roles per "Application" or at the Realm level (global roles).
>> 2. How do we integrate OAuth into mobile app ? Where can we write token
>> refresh logic?
> You can start off by defining an public "OAuth Client" per mobile app.
> You can use the direct grant REST API to obtain a token, or, use mobile
> redirects to login through the mobile's browser.  I believe the Aerogear
> project is doing some work around Keycloak IOS and Android clients, but
> you'd have to ping them.
>> 3. How we can add more fields in session? e.g. if we want to add more
>> token in header which may contain some extra application specific
>> encrypted data.
> Not sure what you mean.  We don't have a nice way of adding claims to
> the token at the moment.
>> 4. We are currently using OpenDS Ldap for authentication and we already
>> have number of registered users which currently using API. So we need
>> Keyclock to be configured for OpenDS, so please suggested how to
>> integrate OpenDS with KeyClock.
> We have LDAP integration:
> http://docs.jboss.org/keycloak/docs/1.0.1.Final/userguide/html/user_federation.html#d4e1263
> --
> Bill Burke
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> http://bill.burkecentral.com
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