Look at multi-tenant example https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/tree/master/examples/multi-tenant

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 12:31 PM Carlos Feria <carlosthe19916@gmail.com> wrote:
Good morning. How can i configure one .war with two .json?

I have two realms, these access the same .war (restfull bearer only), but my problem is that a .war can just one realm dependencie.

I see that keycloak have a application with realm-management name and this application is registered in more than one realms but all realms can access to realm-management without problems.

How can i do the same with my .war likeĀ realm-management.

I need registrer my .war in two realms. Please help me.

Carlos E. Feria Vila
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