I'm trying to follow the link obtained in a 201 (user created) in the Keycloak API but I can't access the "location" header which should be returned in the response...

$http.post(url, user)
     function(response) { console.log(response.headers()); }, 
     function(error) {}

The whole response.header() collection is empty... yet, the chrome developer console shows the url to the new resource...

I think, maybe this is related to the problem described here (http://www.aaron-powell.com/posts/2013-11-28-accessing-location-header-in-cors-response.html), but I have tryed to add the following lines to my keycloak.json and yet no success:
  "enable-cors": true,
  "cors-allowed-headers": "Location"

Could anyone help me with that issue?

Alex Gouvêa Vasconcelos​​