I have setup a Salesforce Saml SP in keycloak. So, I basically created a new client from keycloak admin console for salesforce. This is how my SP url looks like:
I am successfully taken to the keycloak IDP page (where I have configured my Authenticator). I enter my credentials there and am able to login. But, now when I try to logout, I get the following error on the web page:
We're sorry ...
Invalid Request
So, single sign out does not seem to be working for me. What is the issue? Is it a problem with the IDP logout url that I have configured? What I have is:
my IDP Login URL is:
and that seem to be perfectly fine as I am able to login without any issue. what is the issue with the logout I am seeing above when using a Salesforce SP with keycloak? Please let me know if you need me to provide more details.
Also, once this issue is resolved and I am able to logout successfully, could you give some insights on how to customize the logout page?