
I’m trying to implement a custom made REST endpoint in Keycloak following the documentation in https://keycloak.gitbooks.io/server-developer-guide/content/v/2.0/topics/extensions.html
As I see I have to compile the module and deploy it to Keycloak. So, is there any easy way to deploy/debug into a Keycloak instance?

As I see, the documentation in the Github repo recommends to use standalone.sh to start the server and I can add the debug flag. But, that doesn’t exist in the repository. Any guidance in this?
Also, any maven commands to fast deploy the module into the Keycloak instance?

At the moment I’ve only found that I should run Keycloak in debug mode and then attach to port 8787, but well, first I need to find how to run it from the source...

I could even help to extend the documentation with some steps in order to setup an easy dev setup, so people can contribute easier in exchange of the help :)

Thanks a lot!

Best Regards, 

Erik Berdonces Bonelo