On 17.7.2015 08:22, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
We shouldn't need deprecated stuff in realm model and user model. That's what the migration stuff is there to do.

Problem with regards to json representations is that we don't have an elegant way to deal with migration. If we add that we won't have the problem of keeping deprecated stuff around and it'll just be a matter of keeping some json transformation classes similar to what we do for jpa/mongo.
Maybe for JSON representations, we can use "JsonAnyGetter" and "JsonAnySetter" annotations to migrate old properties from representation classes. Problem is, that this approach is always a bit more work than keeping the old properties and migrate them directly.

Like for DB, we have 2 approaches for migrations right now:
1) MigrationModelManager, which is easier to use, but it requires that all the old properties are  still kept on JPA and Mongo entity classes.
2) Liquibase and Mongo specific migrations, which migrates old data at DB level and doesn't require old properties to be kept. But it's pain to write migration scripts for them.

Maybe easiest is between minor versions to keep old properties and use the "easy" way of migrations, but for major versions, use the generic approach and get rid of all the outdated stuff from both JSON and DB?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Burke" <bburke@redhat.com>
To: keycloak-dev@lists.jboss.org
Sent: Friday, 17 July, 2015 2:29:48 AM
Subject: [keycloak-dev] deprecated removals in future

We're accumulating deprecated metadata in models and data model.
Eventually we should draw a line in the sand and say we will only
support migration from a certain version to current.

i.e. Keycloak 2.0 would only allow migration from the last 1.x version.

We need to clean all the old stuff out prior to product.
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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