
I plan to develop the Shibboleth Discovery Functionnality over the current SAML Provider.
The goal is to provide a simple way to integrate an identity federation (like shibboleth) with a single provider.
So I plan to add a new Identity Provider that will fork the SAML one but adding the capability of parsing a federation metadata file periodically in order to maintain the list of federation available IdPs and a theme to produce a simple choice list for the federation IdPs...

To perform this I need to parse an online xml file periodically (1 hour). What is the best way to include this schedulled job in keycloak ? Is there any service where to put this code ?
I also plan to maintain the parsed IdP list in memory but it should be good to store it somewhere ?
Finally, I need a small Resource in order to retreive the accurate list of IdP from the login form but this should be easy to add in the provider package.

Using this will allow me to avoid aving 250 IdPs in keycloak and 250 endpoints to provide in the ServiceProvider entity descriptor.

Best regards, Jérôme.