On 16/06/16 16:38, Bill Burke wrote:
Transactions and 3rd party updates

- Will be good to improve registration of user to LDAP. Ideally during
registration new user to LDAP, we should allow to send all data at once.
(currently UserFederationProvider.register supports sending just
username). Also we should allow to specify if register to 3rd party
provider should be done *before* or *after* the registration to Keycloak
local DB. For details, see https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-1075
and all the comments from users...

- Also updating user should be ideally at once. For example if you call:

we shouldn't have 3 update calls to LDAP, but just one. Maybe we can
address this with transaction abstraction? I've already did something
for LDAP provider (see TxAwareLDAPUserModelDelegate ), however will be
good to provide something more generic for user storage SPI. Then when
KeycloakTransactionManager.commit is called, the data are send to
federation storage

This would be an implementation detail.  Similar to JPA Users, the
LDAP UserAdapter will be remembered per session.  The LDAP adapter
could queue up updates then at commit time flush them all.

Maybe you should consider writing an LDAP version of JPA?  ;-)
Probably a lot of code could be borrowed from PL IDM API.
I've wrote already something similar for Mongo ;) Also I already
addressed the multiple-updates issue for LDAP (see above). However this
one is mainly issue for 3rd party providers rather than for LDAP
provider. Especially since 3rd party provider may have some validations
for some attributes.

For example consider this scenario, which can happen in current

UserModel john = session.users().addUser(realm, "john");

All of this happens during "addUser" call:

- User "john" is saved to local-db
- SomeUserFederationProvider.register calls the registration request to
3rd party federation storage. User "john" is saved in 3rd party storage

Then john.setEmail is invoked
- There is request to 3rd party federation storage to update email.
- 3rd party storage refuse to save the email because there is already an
existing user with email "john@email.org" . So it sends back the
validation error. Now keycloak can rollback the transaction, however
user "john" was already registered in 3rd party federation storage from
previous "register" call -> FAIL

So now you need to manually remove the user from 3rd party storage,
which is dirty hack. There are other possible hacks to address this. For
example someone "postpone" the registration in "register" method by
adding some helper attributes and sends the registration request later
when all the attributes are set. I suggest to read the comments in
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-1075 for details.

IMO the proper solution is to ensure that "register" request to 3rd
party is postponed until the transaction.commit when user is filled with
all the attributes. Similarly update should be done just once. IMO we
should provide something at SPI level to simplify this scenario.

We already have a KeycloakTransaction you can register with.

I understand that main motivation for you is to avoid "imports", however
since we are refactoring anyway, we should try to address other SPI
limitations too. And IMO this one is pretty bad and worth improve ;)

So, have a method addUser(RealmModel realm, UserEntity user)?
I am thinking about adding some helper classes, so the people don't need to directly deal with our transaction API and manually enlist transactions in their code etc.

Also it will be good to have some support for validations (aka. pseudo 2-phase commit), so that all "small" userStores have possibility to first validate if created/updated user is valid for them and then the real update is send. This will help to avoid situation like:
- transaction.commit is invoked
- store1 successfully register the user and commits
- store2 rejects to register user because of some validation error (ie. duplicated email)
- now some data of invalid user already saved in store1 -> FAIL . Because at this point, whole transaction should be rollback and user shouldn't be saved anywhere.

I am thinking about pseudo-code similar to this:

public abstract class FederationTransaction implements KeycloakTransaction {

    protected TransactionState state = TransactionState.NOT_STARTED;
    protected final TxUserStore userStore;
    protected final TxUserModel user;

    public FederationTransaction(TxUserStore userStore, TxUserModel user) {
        this.userStore = userStore;
        this.user = user;

    // Implement common stuff like begin, rollback, setRollbackOnly...


// This transaction just validates in 3rd party store if user is ok
public class ValidationTransaction extends FederationTransaction {

    public ValidationTransaction(TxUserStore userStore, TxUserModel user) {
        super(userStore, user);

    protected void commit() {


// This transaction finally sends commit to 3rd party store
public class CommitTransaction extends FederationTransaction {

    public CommitTransaction(TxUserStore userStore, TxUserModel user) {
        super(userStore, user);

    protected void commit() {


public abstract class TxUserStore implements UserStore {

    private final KeycloakSession session;

    public TxUserStore(KeycloakSession session) {
        this.session = session;

    public KeycloakSession getSession() {
        return session;

    // Send request to storage to validate user
    protected abstract void validateUser(TxUserModel user) throws FederationValidationException;

    // Send request to create or update user during transaction.commit when all stores successfully validated user
    protected abstract void createOrUpdateUser(TxUserModel user);

public class TxUserModel extends UserModelDelegate {

    private ValidationTransaction validationTransaction;
    private CommitTransaction commitTransaction;

    private final TxUserStore store;

    public TxUserModel(UserModel delegate, TxUserStore store) {
        this.store = store;

    protected void ensureTransactionEnlisted() {
        if (commitTransaction == null) {
            validationTransaction = new ValidationTransaction(store, this);
            commitTransaction = new CommitTransaction(store, this);

            // Ensure all validation transactions are called before sending real "commit" to any storage

            // Enlisting real transaction here

Now in your real store implementation, you need to do just this to ensure that registration of user is postponed to transaction commit:

public UserModel register(UserModel register(RealmModel realm, UserModel user) {
  MyTxUserModel wrappedUser = new MyTxUserModel(user, this);

And also ensure that transaction is enlisted during any update calls. So in MyTxUserModel override the needed setter methods like this:

   public void setFirstName(String firstName) {

    public void setLastName(String lastName) {

With this approach, when you have:
UserModel john = session.users().addUser("john", realm);

you have the register call postponed until the transaction.commit .

The thing is, that with postponed registration you won't know the ID of newly created user at the moment when "addUser" is called. However not sure if that's big issue... Another approach might be that UserStore will have possibility to specify if it supports transactions or not. Then we can have method "rollback" on UserStore, which will be called if keycloakTransaction.rollback is called.
