I did not try to reproduce this on master branch, but got it twice now on 1.9.x. The branch HEAD is commit b01f522acea6b6c5c6f487dc626a24ca928da77d
After I build the distribution...
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdistribution
... extract the distribution ...
$ cd /distribution/server-dist/target/
$ tar zxvf keycloak-1.9.2.Final-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
... and start a standalone instance ...
$ cd /keycloak-1.9.2.Final-SNAPSHOT/bin
$ ./standalone.sh
... create a new user
... login to the administration console with that user
... go to the list of clients
... and open (or click 'edit') on any of the clients
Then the webpage that I'm looking at appears to be broken. I'm looking at the template itself, I think.
Is this me, or can someone reproduce this?
- Guus