
To follow up to this issue, we deployed Keycloak alone and restarted wildfly a number of times in different ways (sudo service wildfly restart / stop, CLI) and could not reproduce this.  It seems that the only way we could (unreliably) reproduce this issue is if there is another application deployed to Wildfly.  Not sure at all why it would happen with another application there, but we'll proceed with KC on its own instance.



On 06/06/2016 05:08 PM, Stan Silvert wrote:
On 6/6/2016 4:55 PM, Brooks Isoldi wrote:
We will give it a shot and try to reproduce with just the keycloak-server.war file alone.

Meanwhile, can you give some instruction on how to tie my application into the Keycloak authentication?  The manual says to drop the following into the web.xml file:

You will still need the auth-method.

I assume that will not work if keycloak resides on a totally separate server...Or will that be taken care of by the "auth-server-url" in the keycloak.json file?
See the section on how to use the WildFly adapter for your application/client.


On 06/06/2016 04:34 PM, Stan Silvert wrote:
We strongly, strongly, strongly discourage application deployment on the Keycloak server.  In fact, we might soon be taking steps keep people from doing that.

Can you re-create the problem with the Keycloak server alone?

On 6/6/2016 4:00 PM, Brooks Isoldi wrote:

I apologize, by "non-JEE" application, I meant only that it does not rely on standalone-full.xml.  We're using only standalone.xml for the application deployed to the keycloak wildfly server.


On 06/06/2016 02:19 PM, Brooks Isoldi wrote:

We do not see the war being redeployed upon startup.


We are deploying a non-JEE application to the Keycloak Wildfly instance and our initial setup process includes the following commands:

sudo ./ -c <<EOF
module add --name=org.postgres --resources=${KEYCLOAK_INSTALL_DIR}/${JDBC_FILENAME} --dependencies=javax.api,javax.transaction.api
data-source add --jndi-name=java:/PostgresDS --name=PostgrePool --connection-url=jdbc:postgresql://${POSTGRES_SERVER_URL} --driver-name=postgres --user-name=<<USERNAME>> --password=<<PASSWORD>>
/core-service=management/security-realm=ApplicationRealm/server-identity=ssl/:add(keystore-path=keystore.jks, keystore-relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir, keystore-password=<<PASSWORD>>, alias=keystore, key-password=<<PASSWORD>>)

sleep 10

sudo service wildfly restart

sleep 10

sudo ./ -c <<EOF
/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https/:add(socket-binding=https, security-realm=ApplicationRealm)

sleep 10

sudo service wildfly restart

sleep 10

sudo ./ -c --file=adapter-install.cli

On 06/06/2016 01:18 PM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
Do you modify the standalone distribution in any way? Do you deploy applications to it? Anything else that you do to it that could affect this?

On 6 June 2016 at 16:52, Brooks Isoldi <> wrote:
I'm using the standalone distribution of 1.9.4.Final.

We have had this issue after executing "sudo service wildfly restart" on command line.  We've also had it happen after starting Keycloak by simply running ./$JBOSS_HOME/bin/ and after it starts up, hitting cntrl-c.  Additionally, we think it happened once while running shutdown --restart=true within the JBOSS CLI.

This has happened numerous times now, however we have not been able to create a reliable reproduction procedure.  I don't have logs to share right now, however I have seen in the server.log references to keycloak-server.war being undeployed.

On 06/06/2016 02:00 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
What version of Keycloak and what distribution (standalone, overlay or demo) do you use?

On 3 June 2016 at 21:56, Brooks Isoldi <> wrote:
I've configured Keycloak as a service on Ubuntu 14.04 and I'm finding
that terminating and restarting the Wildfly service (sudo service
wildfly restart) sometimes results in the keycloak-server.war being
undeployed and removed.

Other times it happens by restarting from within the CLI.

How do I restart Wildfly without terminating Keycloak?

Thank you.

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