On 14/10/15 20:24, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
Refresh tokens are no longer reusable. This is done by setting the client sessions timestamp when a new refresh token is issued. If the refresh tokens iat value is less than the client sessions timestamp it's not permitted.

If anyone has time I'd appreciate a review of the changes: https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/pull/1732

For anyone that runs into issues with this policy there's an option to disable it in the admin console in the realms token settings.

This does not apply to offline tokens (at least yet). We need to add it to offline tokens as well though as it's even more important for those. There's two problems with offline tokens though, firstly the setTimestamp is not permitted on offline client sessions. Secondly if we allow setting it we would have to persist it, unless someone can come up with something clever.
I think we don't need to persist, but just save clientSession with updated timestamp into infinispan/memory. Then during startup, the timestamp of clientSessions will be updated to startup time similarly like we have for lastSessionRefresh of user sessions. The refresh will be allowed if (iat == clientSession.timestamp OR startupTime == clientSession.timestamp) . In other words, first refresh after server restart will be always allowed.

There is some chance that there  can be same refresh token used two times (if attacker will do second refresh after server restart). But then clientSession timestamp will be updated and regular user won't be allowed to refresh his token and will recognize error.

But question is, do we really want refreshTokenReusable to be disabled by default? For offline tokens, people will often need to save the offline token into their database on application side. With refreshTokenReusable disabled, they will need to always write into their DB and save new offline token after each refresh.


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