1.7 is unsupported and has not received any security fixes for a long time so I highly recommend against using this in production!

If you want long term support for a specific version I recommend you get the supported version from Red Hat, seeĀ https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-single-sign-on

The alternative is to keep up to date with the latest releases, which is currently 2.0.0.Final. For documentation on clustering for 2.0.0.Final seeĀ https://keycloak.gitbooks.io/server-installation-and-configuration/content/v/2.0/topics/clustering.html

On 9 July 2016 at 06:13, Mohana sundaram Arumugam <sundaram.arumugam@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Folks,

Please help me to do Keycloak clustering with 1.7.0 version(This version agreed to customer, so persisting with 1.7.0) in 2 different machines or VM's.

Or give some inputs do the same with shared database with EnterpriseDB instead of Keycloak's internal H2 DB.

I am in very crunch situation to deliver, please help me out guys.

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