
I'm trying to understand how a standard Java web app (client) deal with keycloak roles mechanism.
Keycloak has two different role levels: Realm roles and Client roles.
When I create a new user it can automatically inherit default roles from its realm.

But I can't refer to realm roles from my client app because by default there is no relationship between realm roles and client apps.
I mean a client under the realm is not aware of realm roles. Right?

From the client app user perspective, I have to create the roles for a specific client app and then associate that role(s) with a given user (who wants to have access to that client app). Ok! But what can I do to associate realm roles with a given client app?

I can create a composite role inside the client and associate it with some realm roles. But I still have to explicitly associate that client role with each user I want to grant access to that client app.

Imagine a scenario where you imported thousands of users from a LDAP server (through User Federation).

Let me explain my scenario:
  I'm federating users and roles from an MS AD server. I created a Role Mapper to import AD groups as Keycloak roles and automatically create realm roles.
  Keycloak imported LDAP groups as realm roles and associated that roles with each user (according to the group/user association on LDAP)
  But in this scenario the association roles/client app on Keycloak is missing. Ok, I could choose to import LDAP groups as Client roles on the LDAP Role Mapper configuration. But I prefer to import as realm roles. Thus all client app create under this realm will inherit that roles.

The role mapper worked perfectly! The problem is: How can I use that roles (imported to realm and associated with each imported user) to restrict access to a specific client app?

Can some one point me what would be the correct understanding and the right approach to use imported AD roles into my realm?
Rafael T. C. Soares | Solution Architect
JBoss Enterprise Middleware | Red Hat Brazil
Mobile: +55 71 98181-3636
Phone:  +55 11 3529-6096