Somewhat related to https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-2125 (User Actions email link expires too early): when a user clicks on a ‘users action’ link and the token has expired we would
like to show a specific error message to the user informing him/her of this. E.g. "We're sorry. The (temporary) token in the link you tried to access has expired. Please contact your administrator."
Right now when a token (/user session) has expired and the user clicks on the user actions link in the email he/she sees the generic Keycloak account error screen: "We're sorry. An error occurred, please login again through your application.". The user now
has no idea what went wrong and in our case cannot even login again as the user has no password yet.
If I am not mistaken currently this is not possible because the original error code is not passed on to the error page (error.ftl) from FreeMarkerLoginFormsProvider#createResponse because the rendered page is of type "ERROR" in which case the original (error)
message (#getFirstMessageUnformatted()) is not added to the list of attributes for the FTL?
Am I correct in this? If so does it make sense to create a feature request JIRA ticket for it?