
atm we don't support multiple transactions for the same session. If we would ever support it, we will need to traverse the "afterCompletion" list in DefaultKeycloakTransactionManager.begin (and also similarly in DefaultKeycloakTransactionManager.isRollbackOnly() ). Maybe you can create JIRA and we can take a look later? Another thing is that all enlisted transactions would also need to support multiple transactions per session (for example in case of JPA it is multiple transactions per single EntityManager, which JPA supports, but there might be some performance issues with it)

Note that until than, you can use pattern where each transaction will run in it's own KeycloakSession. So defacto multiple KeycloakSession per request. If you already have any KeycloakSession you can retrieve KeycloakSessionFactory with:
KeycloakSessionFactory factory = session.getKeycloakSessionFactory();

And then you can use for example: KeycloakModelUtils.runJobInTransaction to use separate KeycloakSession and transaction for your task. Does it work for your usecase?


On 19.9.2014 00:13, Rodrigo Sasaki wrote:

I have created some custom endpoints for my project, and in one of them I need to use multiple transactions on a single request. I ran into some issues, even though I call 


It didn't work correctly saying that I didn't have an opened transaction. I look a little deeper and saw that there are 2 lists of transactions inside org.keycloak.services.DefaultKeycloakTransactionManager.

One is called transactions and the other is afterCompletion

when commit() is called, both lists are traversed committing every single transaction in them, but when begin() is called, only the transactions list is traversed, and the one I needed was inside afterCompletion, which remained closed.

Is this supposed to be this way? I'm not sure what these lists do, but maybe the other one should be opened too.

Is there a problem on opening the transactions on afterCompletion list as well?


Rodrigo Sasaki

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