
This is the first time I am using my users in another database, using keycloak.  And I am not sure what is the best approach. I have my app that has a table users and other tables that depend on users.
When i did my trials I was thinking on using keycloak interface, but that got me thinking that I should manually add the users to my database in order for them to work, at least the ID of the user and then matched to cookies once i loaded.

So the best approach I can think of is to create a login module or something in my app and when I create users through my app they connect via rest to my keycloak server and "duplicate" the needed data on keycloak and my database.  So If I need to delete something both databases would be on sync.  right?  So if I want to add users to my app I shouldnt use the keycloak interface, I should use mine right?

The other way I was thinking is that if it is the first time my users log in, my app triggers some functions that recreate what you have on keycloak


Juan Diego