
in beta-4 version (planned to be released on Wednesday) there are some improvements in LDAP support, which allow you to "federate" users from your LDAP server and import them into your database. If you are curious, you can try latest Keycloak master. Note that just some users (those which are authenticated or explicitly searched by admin) will be imported from LDAP into Keycloak DB and viewable in UI. For fully import all LDAP users into Keycloak database, there will be sync support, but that will be in next version later in August .

On 4.8.2014 23:03, Aaron Held wrote:
I'm setting up keycloak to test it out and having trouble setting up and testing the LDAP input.

Is there a way to explicit test that the LDAP is setup correctly?  no matter what I enter into the settings page I don't see anything in the logs and I don't see any new users on the users page.

What I am looking for is a way to use our ActiveDirectory (via LDAP) as the source.  I'm not sure if it will support roles from AD yet, but that would be my next step.


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