I am not much of an angular expert ( i have being working with angular for a month), but after working with keycloak and angular, I  wanted to give the angular product app a do over, I dont like that the app depends too much on angular.element(document).ready,  and that you have javascript variables outside angular objects.  Also responseInterceptors are completly deprecated with angular 1.4.  So I tried to update the code to the best of my limited abilities.
This the app.js
This is the index.html,

I can clean the code up so it can work like the angular-product-app, but I tried to make it work with best practices and using providers to set te configuration.
Also I set it up to use check-sso and added a login button, I think this example might be more helpfull for mid level users of keycloak, to explain how to make it work.

I was going to submit this to dev forum but I thought I should ask users to test it a little bit.

I am open to changes.


Juan Diego