On 25 July 2016 at 09:01, Haim Vana <haimv@perfectomobile.com> wrote:



We are using KeyCloak for a several weeks now, one of the flows is user script authentication with offline token:


1.       The user log in to the UI

2.       Generates offline token by entering his password again

3.       Put the offline token in his script

4.       Executes the script


Now we want to add external IDP support, first is it possible to generate offline tokens for extremal IDP in KeyCloak ? if so how ?

Assuming you're using the Keycloak login screen it's just a matter of configuring the external IdP as an identity broker provider and it will be displayed as an option on the login screen.


Second in section #2 above the user enters his password to generate the offline token, with external IDP we can’t use his password, one alternative is to always generate the offline token in the login (add offline_access), however is it make sense to create offline token for every login ?

You shouldn't create offline token for every login, just once for a new user or once offline token is no longer valid.





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