Well, the adapter does support loading the keycloak.json file from anywhere on the class path. Jetty AFAIK does include jetty/resources on the class path. So, you could put keycloak.json there and if you start the server with the option below it should work:-Dkeycloak.configurationFile:”classpath:keycloak.json"On Aug 2, 2016, at 8:56 AM, Christopher Davies <christopher.james.davies@gmail.com> wrote:I do not want to have to open the war file just to update / change to keycloak credentials.I am right that the WEB-INF sits inside the war file ?I would like a single security instance for the entire Jetty serverChris_______________________________________________On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 12:55 PM Sebastien Blanc <sblanc@redhat.com> wrote:Hi,Any reasons you don't want to put the keycloak.json in /WEB-INF ?Sebi<bean id="adapterDeploymentContext" class="org.keycloak.adapters.springsecurity.AdapterDeploymentContextFactoryBean"> <constructor-arg value="/WEB-INF/keycloak.json" /> </bean>
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Christopher Davies <christopher.james.davies@gmail.com> wrote:I am looking at linking our legacy app to Keycloak.Currently it is a bespoke jetty server, that only serves our war files.The security.xml is set in config of the server directory.I have taken the example setting file from https://keycloak.gitbooks.io/securing-client-applications-guide/content/topics/oidc/java/spring-security-adapter.htmlI can see this loading keycloak's spring adapter.It fails when searching for Keycloak.json.I was hoping to be able to drop the Keycloak.json file in the config directory.Hope you can be of assistance. Please feel free to ask if I have missed any key information.I am trying to get up to speed on both KeyCloak and SpringSecurity as I am a C++ programmer at heart.Chris_______________________________________________
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