I was able to resolve this issue by using the oauth_token and oauth_secret values obtained.

Thanks a lot for you help



Jayapriya Atheesan


From: JAYAPRIYA ATHEESAN [mailto:jayapriya.atheesan@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 4:48 PM
To: keycloak-user@lists.jboss.org
Subject: [keycloak-user] Social media access tokens.




After social media login, we try to get access token from keycloak for social medias.


For facebook and googleplus, we are able to get the token by hitting the rest endpoint url.


Google : https://api.giggso.com:8444/auth/realms/giggzo/broker/google/token


Facebook : https://api.giggso.com:8444/auth/realms/giggzo/broker/facebook/token


But for twitter, we are not able to get that. Additionally when I checked the database, I was able to observe the below content as token.





Can you please suggest us, how to go about this. I would like to get user information like feeds, post, friends and other details from twitter.




Jayapriya Atheesan