thanks for your help.

On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Bill Burke <> wrote:
No easy way to do this.  Our roadmap is pretty full at the moment so
we'd need the community to help out.

On 10/18/2014 1:25 PM, Alexander Chriztopher wrote:
> At the end of the day any customer data is at the tip of a finger of an
> admin or other people who can see all they want with an sql statement or
> even easier sometimes. I've seen a big bank who had this feature
> implemented on their online banking website and it's been validated by
> all the security audits out there and it was really helpful.
> Is there is a nice way to get this done with Keycloak ?
> Anyone has an idea !
> On 17 Oct 2014, at 20:36, Stan Silvert <
> <>> wrote:
>> On 10/17/2014 1:53 PM, Alexander Chriztopher wrote:
>>> This is not an issue in our context as it is just to secure an
>>> application where admins are publishing data to users and they would
>>> like to make sure they are publishing the right thing and nothing
>>> more which otherwise would be a big security hole. Users on the other
>>> hand will upload documents for admins.
>>> There is nothing as such as bank accounts issues or private data
>>> issues as you mentioned.
>> I understand.  But Keycloak is also used by applications where those
>> issues do exist.
>>> On 17 Oct 2014, at 19:07, Stan Silvert <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> I see how that would be very useful but it would also be very, very
>>>> dangerous.  You can't give the admin rights to just waltz into
>>>> someone's bank account.
>>>> At the very least we would need a way for the user to give consent.
>>>> On 10/17/2014 11:00 AM, Alexander Chriztopher wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I would like to know if there is a way to let a connected user -an
>>>>> admin- reconnect as another user -with less privilegies- without
>>>>> providing a password.
>>>>> The idea is to be able for a super user to see how exactly an
>>>>> application behaves with another user without knowing that user
>>>>> credentials.
>>>>> Thanks for any help.
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Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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