You can use the federation provider to check the password in the legacy store and then save the password to Keycloak in:

UserFederationProvider.validCredentials(RealmModel realm, UserModel user, List<UserCredentialModel> input);

If you really want to send and email for them to pick a new password, you’d probably want to trigger that behavior for the above method.

Scott Rossillo
Smartling | Senior Software Engineer

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On Nov 30, 2015, at 3:52 AM, Frank van Veen <> wrote:

Currently I’m working on importing users with a user federation implementation. The way we want to import a user is by copying user metadata into keycloak followed by sending a email with a password reset link to the freshly imported user. Is the achievable with keycloak 1.6.1?
Best regards,
Frank van Veen
keycloak-user mailing list