Hello Aritz,

couldn't you just use a JWT parser library to parse the AccessToken string?
http://jwt.io/ lists quite a few usable ones:

I created a gist with a quick example for parsing a keycloak AccessToken with jjwt:

To get the roles for a particular application (acme-petclinic) in this case, you could do the following:


2016-03-07 15:53 GMT+01:00 Aritz Maeztu <amaeztu@tesicnor.com>:
Hi all,

I'm managing the keycloak authentication-authorization for my Android app. I do it manually since there's no adapter still available as far as I know. Currently I am able to log in from a webview, retrieve the access token using the code and refresh the token when it's necessary and retrieve the user info using the openid-connect compliant endpoints. However, I would like to grab the roles available for the token too, in order to show/hide specific operations in the screen.

How to achieve it?

Thanks in advance.
Aritz Maeztu OtaƱo
Departamento Desarrollo de Software

Pol. Ind. Mocholi. C/Rio Elorz, Nave 13E 31110 Noain (Navarra)
Telf.: 948 21 40 40
Fax.: 948 21 40 41

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