Quick update - I did some further experiments with this...

I added /redirect path to the a org.keycloak.services.resources.RealmsResource
like: @Path("{realm}/{client-id}/redirect")
see code fragment below.

This allows keycloak to initiate a redirect to the browser with the actual
target url of the client. Other clients now only need to now the realm and clientId
to generate a link that eventually redirects to the target application.

GET http://localhost:8081/auth/realms/master/launchpad/redirect -> 302 response with location: http://apps.corp.local/launchpad

Any chance to get this in as a PR?


    public Response getRedirect(final @PathParam("realm") String realmName, final @PathParam("client-id") String clientId) throws Exception{

        RealmModel realm = init(realmName);

        if (realm == null){
            return null;

        ClientModel client = realm.getClientByClientId(clientId);

        if (client == null){
            return null;

        if (client.getRootUrl() == null){
            return Response.temporaryRedirect(uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().replacePath(client.getBaseUrl()).build()).build();

        return Response.temporaryRedirect(URI.create(client.getRootUrl() + client.getBaseUrl())).build();

2016-02-05 16:23 GMT+01:00 Thomas Darimont <thomas.darimont@googlemail.com>:

2016-02-05 15:22 GMT+01:00 Thomas Raehalme <thomas.raehalme@aitiofinland.com>:
I understand this as well, but it has not been uncommon to encounter a situation where the user needs to know where to go next, because Keycloak doesn't have a link available. 

with a redirect facility as outlined above - one could render a link to the "$KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL/redirect" or 
lookup the "default" client in order to render the client base url link with a proper label (client name).
