Dear all,
Current situation:
Right now I’m able to map roles assigned to users and defined in LDAP to Keycloak with the existing Role Mapper. e.g. Administrator/User role for a specific application
The JWT output contains then a section like this:
"resource_access": {
"myApp": {
"roles": [
Desired solution:
The thing is I want in the end to define composite roles in LDAP to collect finer user rights for certain “container” roles - like Users, Editors, Administrator – and map them to Keycloak and respectively the finer grained rights to provide
the granted user rights in the JWT.
- read page
- edit page
- delete page
- create page
Composite Roles:
- User = {read page}
- Editor = {read page, create page, edit page}
- Administrator = {read page, delete page}
The final result in the JWT should then contain a section something like where the composite role is automatically resolved with the more specific single rights:
"resource_access": {
"myApp": {
"roles": [
"read page",
"delete page"
Or is Keycloak designed in that way that the finer rights can be stored in LDAP but the composition is afterwards done in Keycloak?