Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. The problem we're having is with social logins
When we have to login a user via social links (Google or Facebook) we need to send him to a webview, because Keycloak communicates with the social networks via the default flows we already have implemented.
But from a mobile standpoint this could be improved, because the user can alerady have a Google account and/or a Facebook account on his mobile device. So that could be used instead of making the user login again on a webview.
The idea is to send the social information we already have on the mobile device to Keycloak and get a token in return (we can do this with username/password today).
The ideal thing would be a SDK for this that would (for example) be instantiated with URI and client_id, and would provide a method for login. I know this might not be in your roadmap for any time soon, but I'd like to know if you have thought about any of this.
This provides a very different user experience for the user, and I think this feature would be appreciated by many.
Thank you all again!
Rodrigo Sasaki