I want to implement the SAML Service provider(SP) for my application. I used picketlink earlier (servlet filter) to configure my application as SAML SP. However, when I tried the same with Keycloak, it is not working as expected. There is no proper documentation/example on how keycloak saml SP configuration has to be done.

I did the following things.
1. Copied all the jar(keycloak-saml-eap6-adapter-dist) into my jboss/lib directory
2. Configured the security domain as below
    <login-module code="org.keycloak.adapters.jboss.KeycloakLoginModule" flag="required"/>
3. I built the keycloak saml example "redirect-with-signature" and deployed.
4. I am using the picketlink as my IDP.
5. The redirect does not redirecting to my picketlink IDP.

Can some one tell how to configure keycloak SAML SP.?