here are few questions I would like to ask those of you actively using keycloak.I have a problem and I am wondering whether keycloak is the solution. We have 5 different applications each using etiher apache shiro or spring security for authentication. Those using shiro have different hashing algorithm and different number of iterations. We are about to launch new products each with their own authentication so we were like why not go google model.Hi Community,Thanks for all the amazing features list I have read about this product and that is truly exciting.Kudos for pulling down all that. I am new to the world of SSO and so on but I am doing my home work catching up.
- Can I build an application with keycloak embedded in it where keycloak provides identity based on some logic that we will put in the parent application. Logic like how to merge all products mentioned earlier?
- Supposing no work is needed and everything I mentioned is supported can keycloak allow relooking/branding of UI such a way it's inline with most of UI directions we have for all our existing products?
- Can I use keycloak to not only provide SSO for our own applications but also make that keycloak become and ID provider (likes of openID etc ) for other applicaitons that we don't own?
Thanks for reading my questions and I hope I will be able to learn from all of youBest Regards,--We become what we think about ourselves........
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