Event listener is the way. It's not to elegant, but it works. Problem is that it's quite low-level and you need to listen to both events and admin events.

On 4 May 2016 at 13:51, Guus der Kinderen <guus.der.kinderen@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,

Can you suggest an approach (or better yet, an existing solution if one is available) for the following?

We have an application that is interested in events regarding user management. We would like it to be notified of user creation, modification and deletion that occurs within Keycloak.

Is there some kind of publish/subscribe mechanism available for this?

Our initial thought was to create a module for Keycloak, that would somehow register itself as an event listener, and subsequently transmit those events via the XMPP pub/sub mechanism (our software is XMPP-capable).




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