Hi. Has anyone had luck accessing Keycloak in a VM in Azure? I've got it running, I believe. But I cannot access it all from my browser. What I have done
- Created a VM in Azure (Ubuntu 15), and this created an equivalent Cloud Service in Azure
- Installed a Java8 JDK to the VM
- Installed Keycloak 1.4.0 Final, standalone
- Created a self-signed certificate in a Keystore (as per the doco)
- Configured the standalone config to use the keystore (as per the doco)
- Started keycloak using standalone.sh
At this point, the log file looks like instances I have run on my local PC. There's nothing in there that looks any difference.
For the Azure VM, I've added the following endpoints
public 80 maps to private 8080
public 443 maps to private 8443
public 9990 maps to private 9990
public 9993 maps to private 9993
Any attempt to access the instance from my browser, however, ends up pwith a connection refused error. I can't even get to the launching page, let alone the admin console.
Are there additional ports that need to be opened? If anyone has done this and can point out a missing step, I'd be very happy to have the help.