Are you familiar with SSO protocols?  The client (application) requests a token (OIDC) or assertion (SAML).  The token/assertion is built specifically for the client and can contain information about the user, i.e. role/group mappings.  Clients can force that the user has to log in again, that's about it...

You'll have to be more specific of what you're looking for.

On 9/11/16 6:42 AM, Uli Schulze-Eyssing wrote:

Not really a one-use-token, but a second factor (like TOTP) for specific transactions (eg. oder confirmation). 

Am 10.09.2016 um 13:31 schrieb Bill Burke:

You mean a one-use token?  We don't support that.

On 9/10/16 7:27 AM, Uli SE wrote:


is it possible ( done in a sample ) to secure a single transaction using keycloaks OTP fearture?

I currently use angularjs/wildfly with keycloak sso.

Many Thanks,


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