

We are trying to set KeyCloak 1.9.3 with HA on AWS EC2 with docker, the cluster is up without errors however the login fails with the below error:


WARN [org.keycloak.events] (default task-10) type=LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=master, clientId=null, userId=null, ipAddress=, error=invalid_code


we have followed this (http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/keycloak-user/2016-February/004940.html ) post but used S3_PING instead of JDBC_PING.


It seems that the nodes detect each other:


INFO [org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsTransport] (Incoming-2,ee,6dbce1e2a05a) ISPN000094: Received new cluster view for channel keycloak: [6dbce1e2a05a|1] (2) [6dbce1e2a05a, 75f2b2e98cfd]


We suspect that the nodes doesn't communicate with each other, when we queried the jboss mbean "jboss.as.expr:subsystem=jgroups,channel=ee" the result was:

jgroups,channel=ee = [6dbce1e2a05a|1] (2) [6dbce1e2a05a, 75f2b2e98cfd]

jgroups,channel=ee  receivedMessages = 0

jgroups,channel=ee  sentMessages = 0


And for the second node:

jgroups,channel=ee = [6dbce1e2a05a|1] (2) [6dbce1e2a05a, 75f2b2e98cfd]

jgroups,channel=ee  receivedMessages = 0

jgroups,channel=ee  sentMessages = 5



We also verified that the TCP  ports 57600 and 7600 are open.


Any idea what might cause it ?



Here is the relevant standalone-ha.xml configuration and below is that startup command:


<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:jgroups:4.0">

            <channels default="ee">

                <channel name="ee" stack="tcp"/>



                <stack name="udp">

                    <transport type="UDP" socket-binding="jgroups-udp"/>

                    <protocol type="PING"/>

                    <protocol type="MERGE3"/>

                    <protocol type="FD_SOCK" socket-binding="jgroups-udp-fd"/>

                    <protocol type="FD_ALL"/>

                    <protocol type="VERIFY_SUSPECT"/>

                    <protocol type="pbcast.NAKACK2"/>

                    <protocol type="UNICAST3"/>

                    <protocol type="pbcast.STABLE"/>

                    <protocol type="pbcast.GMS"/>

                    <protocol type="UFC"/>

                    <protocol type="MFC"/>

                    <protocol type="FRAG2"/>


                <stack name="tcp">

                    <transport type="TCP" socket-binding="jgroups-tcp">

                        <property name="external_addr"></property>


                    <protocol type="S3_PING">

                                <property name="access_key">AAAAAAAAAAAAAA</property>

                                <property name="secret_access_key">BBBBBBBBBBBBBB</property>

                                <property name="location">CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC</property>


                    <protocol type="MERGE3"/>

                    <protocol type="FD_SOCK" socket-binding="jgroups-tcp-fd">

                        <property name="external_addr"></property>


                    <protocol type="FD"/>

                    <protocol type="VERIFY_SUSPECT"/>

                    <protocol type="pbcast.NAKACK2"/>

                    <protocol type="UNICAST3"/>

                    <protocol type="pbcast.STABLE"/>

                    <protocol type="pbcast.GMS"/>

                    <protocol type="MFC"/>

                    <protocol type="FRAG2"/>






        <socket-binding name="jgroups-tcp" interface="public" port="7600"/>

        <socket-binding name="jgroups-tcp-fd" interface="public" port="57600"/>


And we start the server using the below ($INTERNAL_HOST_IP is the container internal IP address):

standalone.sh -c=standalone-ha.xml -b=$INTERNAL_HOST_IP -bmanagement=$INTERNAL_HOST_IP -bprivate=$INTERNAL_HOST_IP



Any help will be appreciated.







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