
The account page for a user on Keycloak is ${keycloak_server_url}/auth/realms/${realm}/account

You should have all the info you need to construct that from your client’s Keycloak configuration.

Let us know if you need more help.


Scott Rossillo
Smartling | Senior Software Engineer

On Sep 8, 2016, at 8:48 AM, Hartmut Benz <h.benz@first8.nl> wrote:

Hi all,
when migrating a spring application to use KeyCloak, what is the best
way to add a link to User Account Service page of the current user?
I had hoped to find something similar to the "/sso/logout" relative URI
that the 'standard' configuration rewrites to an appropriate call to the
KC server, but digging through the docs, the spring-adapter itself, demo
project on github, and general googling have not provided an easy solution.

Thanks in advance for your help and tips.

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