Thank you for your help, I have other question.

With the social login, is possible to know the origin? In the case of github, if the user belongs to the organization, is there any way to know?


2016-08-23 14:13 GMT+02:00 Bruno Oliveira <>:
It seems to me that what need is a Role Mapper[1]

[1] -

On 2016-08-23, Zeus Arias Lucero | BEEVA wrote:
> I have a keycloak server which has the LDAP configuration. This LDAP server
> has different roles than my application. So I would like to know if its
> possible and how  I have to do for the keycloak server maps or translates
> the rol A to rol B. The rol B is used by my application.
> Greetings!

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> keycloak-user mailing list


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Un saludo!

Zeus Arias                      
Grupo APIVersity. Técnico de Sistemas.

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