
Thanks for the reply.

I was trying to log a user out from the Keycloak admin console. I will try the redirect method and see if it works.

Also, I’m using 1.1.0.Final. I will upgrade to 1.2.0.Beta1 and report if the issue is still occurring. 


On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 10:23 AM, Marek Posolda <mposolda@redhat.com> wrote:

I've tried with Apache Tomcat 6.0.35 but wasn't able to reproduce with latest Keycloak 1.2.0.Beta1. Logout works fine for me.

How are you doing logout? From the application or from KC admin console? For the tomcat6, the httpServletRequest.logout() method is not yet available, so best for logout from the application is redirecting to Keycloak logout URL similarly like in our demo example: https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/examples/demo-template/customer-app/src/main/webapp/customers/view.jsp#L14

You can also enable debug logging, which should show some additional messages in the log by adding this line into $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/logging.properties:

org.keycloak.level = FINE


On 2.4.2015 01:37, Scott Rossillo wrote:
Hi all,

I’m running Keycloak 1.1.0-Final in standalone mode and using Keycloak agents on Tomcat 6 and Tomcat 8.

With both agents, whenever I try to log a user out via the Keycloak server, I see this in the Tomcat server’s log:

Apr 01, 2015 7:27:47 PM org.keycloak.adapters.tomcat.CatalinaUserSessionManagement logoutSession
WARN: Session not present or already invalidated.

The session is still valid and continues to be valid for some period of time in each of the Tomcat instances. Anyone know how to fix? 

I was looking at the source and I see this method:

  • org.keycloak.adapters.tomcat.CatalinaUserSessionManagement.

I may test loging the actual exception tomorrow if no one has a clue, but I think it’s probably the exception is being thrown for some reason other than the session no longer existing (it definitely still does).


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