Hello guys,

I work a lot with cordova and Wildfly, usually I do my implementations of the authentication using JAAS and ajax, sending a auth token in the http request.

I really love Keycloak's goals and how fast the project is growing, I would love to integrate it to my projects.

The problem I have now is I have tried the cordova example that comes with keycloak's examples, it works fine on Android, but I couldn't make it work on iOS, it's like the "new Keycloack()" instance cannot be initialized.

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but this looks so simple, I added the inappbrowser plugin on android and it just worked there but I didn't have the same luck on IOS.

Have anyone tested it on iOS? is there any extra step I have to do in order to make it work?

My environment:
- Wildfly 8.2
- Keycloak 1.2.0.Beta1
- Cordova 4.1.2

