I think that in the future, we plan to rewrite AccountService to use angular + REST endpoints. That way, the applications will have an easier possibility to invoke REST endpoints, which are currently available just to AccountService (ie. linking social account).

For now,I can see the solution can be either:
- Implement your own REST endpoint with logic similar to AccountService.processFederatedIdentityUpdate . The endpoint will be triggered when you click on the "link social" button in your app.
- Implement the logic in first-broker-login flow as you pointed. Maybe it's so easy like just adding CookieAuthenticator to the first-broker-flow ? As then if user is already authenticated (which is determined based on SSO cookie) the flow will be finished with success and user will be later just linked with the social account.

Not sure which possibility is better, depends on the usecase probably.


On 27/07/16 12:56, Vlastimil Elias wrote:
Thanks, but which URL should I use, with which parameters? I think 
createLoginUrl() creates URL which is internally used in login() and I 
tried this, but problem is on keycloak server side flow. It asks me to 
login using github, but after this it does not link this github account 
with already logged in Keycloak user, but performs common social login flow.

Maybe I should somehow change "First Broker Login" flow to detect that 
user is logged in already and perform link. But I'm curious if Keycloak 
supports this case OOTB as I think it should be relatively common 


On 27.7.2016 11:34, Bruno Oliveira wrote:
Hi Vlastimil,

I can be wrong, but I believe you have to call createLoginUrl[1].

[1] - https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/5c98b8c6ae7052b2d906156d8fc212ccd9dfd57d/examples/broker/twitter-authentication/src/main/webapp/js/app.js#L39-L51

On 2016-07-22, Vlastimil Elias wrote:

we have a requirement to implement 'One click social-account linking
widgets' on website autheticated by Keycloak JS adapter. To achieve this a
button would be placed on the website with the following flow:

1. User logs into the website (keycloak JS adapter)
2. User browser to a part of the site requiring social account linking
    (site checks linking status of current user for given social login
    provider based on info in token - we wrote our mapper for this)
3. User clicks on a button to link the required social account with his
    Keycloak account
4. User is directed through the linking process (which is similar as
    Social Link action in Account app)
5. User is returned to original page on successful account linking
    (token in js client must be refreshed to contain actual info about
    social links).

Is there any way how to achieve this? I tried to call JS client login method
with idpHint when user is logged in (keycloak.login({"idpHint":"github"})),
but it doesn't work as expected.

Thanks a lot in advance


Vlastimil Elias
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat Developer | Engineering

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