
I am doing an app with angularjs with keycloak.  There a few things that I dont know how to do it, I have being seing the videos and reading documentation so I have 2 questions.

Regarding the model of the database, how am I supposed to link Users to Tables.   How do you recommend to work on the model, I am kind of cluless there.
For example before I had a table User and a Table Pictures. Now my users are in the KeyCloak database, how are you supposed to handle tables that would have been linked to a user.
My second question is about my front and backend.  I am just allowing my users to upload pictures it is a small app.  I am doing the front end with AngularJS so it is basically html+javascript, and the backend handles the services.  Should I create a client in my KeyCloak for the frontend and another for the backend. It seems to my that I should create a  client only for the backend , and the front end needs to validate against that.


Juan Diego Calle