I setup Keycloak for using an Identity Provider. Everything works fine, i.e. when I open my application, I see the Keycloak login screen, choose the Identity Provider (e.g.
GitHub), login and I can use my application. When I open the application again in a new tab, I’m already logged in and I can use the application without logging in again.
But I always want to use the Identity Provider, so I check Authenticate by Default in the settings tab of the Identity Provider. Everything seems to work fine, but when I open
the application in a second tab, the first tab is reauthenticating. And then the second tab is reauthenticating. And so on.
I tried this with my own implemented Identity Provider and with GitHub. I expected that the only difference is that I don’t have to choose the Identity Provider. According
to the docs only step 3 and 4 from the base flow are skipped (show list of identity providers and select identity provider). But the behaviour is very different.
Is this expected behaviour or a bug?
Kind regards,
Sjef Hoeks
Technisch Architect
Gouw Informatie Technologie bv
Hogeweg 5, 5301 LB Zaltbommel
Postbus 98, 5300 AB Zaltbommel
T 0418 511 522
E s.hoeks@gouwit.nl
I www.gouwit.nl