As a keycloak user I wish to create a user with a username and password and one or more roles.  Including demographic info about the user:  name, address, zip, phones, etc.  I think Keycloak supports all this.

But in addition to the above I want also to persist a user's membership in an "Organization", e.g. Org1, and maybe Org2.  And for each organization of which he is a member, a Facility within that organization.  E.g. For Org1 he would also be a member of Fac11 and Fac12.  For Org2 he would also be a member of Fac21 and Fac22.

All the above info would be communicatable from Keycloak to each realm app as the user logs in.

Is the above feasible, please, without customization of Keycloak?

Thank you.
