Description: I want to add or change role description via REST API interface

Details: In the request body only attribute “description” (from role description) is set (see request body section)
Usecases from API specification: Update a role by name and Update the role
Request body:

"description":"manage realm role of UNI-4/4. Add/delete/update of users."

Observed reaction: after request, the parameter “name” is missing in the role.
Result: (of REST API Get all roles for the realm or client)

      "id": "da1f8c02-6823-4d86-8873-f2d533ba43fa",
      "description": "manage realm role of UNI-4/4. Add/delete/update of users.",
      "scopeParamRequired": false,
      "composite": false

Printscreen of result in GUI:
Inline image 1