I think the first question to ask is do you want to share users and config between tenants? If you do you should have a single realm, if not you should have separate realms.

On 21 October 2015 at 14:38, Thomas Raehalme <thomas.raehalme@aitiofinland.com> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Stian Thorgersen <sthorger@redhat.com> wrote:
Thousands should be no problem at all. Tens of thousands should be ok, but we'd have to test that. I guess you're building a public api or something since you're expecting that many clients?

I have been thinking of various ways to utilize Keycloak in a SaaS application. A separate realm per tenant is probably the most natural option, but how about using a single realm with individual clients for each tenant, would that make any sense? I think it would have its advantages (eg. the SaaS service provider could use a single account to access any tenant, and tenants could register themselves as clients when being deployed?).

Best regards,