I believe I have found the problem. If I don't send a max query param, it is set as -1, and by having that value it stops the execution of the query method inside UserFederationManager class so it doesn't return any value.

If I send a value on max I get a return, but it comes duplicated, I receive a JSON that has the same user twice. I was looking inside the method getUsers inside the UsersResource class and it executes the same for loop twice, adding the same userModel to the results list.

should the inner for loop exist?

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 11:10 AM, Rodrigo Sasaki <rodrigopsasaki@gmail.com> wrote:

I have a method in my project that finds users by e-mail using the REST API on


It used to work fine, but I upgrated to RC1 and it stopped working, I tried debugging it but it doesn't seem to stop on my breakpoint inside the JpaUserProvider class.

It simply returns nothing, with valid calls and a valid e-mail that I know exists.

Is this a known bug?

Rodrigo Sasaki

Rodrigo Sasaki